2022-2023 AEI Short Story Competition

Publié le 10 novembre 2022

Asking yourself “what if…?” can help you come up with an interesting scenario for a short story, in which the characters interact against the background of a reality which is different from our own.

Short story competition
Short story competition

du 21 novembre 2022 au 28 février 2023

Many writers have been asked and answered such questions over the years. Their concerns have covered scientific and sociological areas of all kinds. What if it were possible to make contact with extra-terrestrials (Carl Sagan, Contact?) What if the rights of women in an American state were suddenly taken away (Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale)? What if climate change caused a flood in New York? (Nathaniel Rich, Odds Against Tomorrow)? What if the state decided who you had to marry (Clare Morrall, When the Floods Came)? What if a bacteria destroyed all the plastic in the world in the space of a few months? (Liz Jensen, Our Silver City 2094)?
Such questions can allow for serious reflection about future realities to be discussed, but it is also possible to ask “what if” questions about the past. What if the petrol engine had never been invented? What if no vaccine had been found for Covid-19? What sort of lives would people live, and how can you create characters and situations against such backgrounds?
This theme also allows for flights of fancy – what if your pet cat could talk? What if a character had the power to read minds?
Let your imagination go and give yourself a chance to win a prize and see your story in print in the AEI newsletter.
Happy writing!

The competition is open to all AEI International School students (from L1 to M2)

Theme :

What if ?

Length :
750-1000 words

How to enter :

  • Type your story in a Word document . Double space your text
  • Write your full name and student number very clearly at the top of the first page
  • When it's ready, post it to this address : helen.mundler@u-pec.fr before the end of the day on Tuesday 28th February 2023.
Organizing commitee and jury :
From the AEI International School, Helen E. Mundler, Marcella Henderson-Peal, Laure de Nerveaux, Natalie Senné, Sophie Jarry.
With thanks to Dean Philippe Frouté.

Closing date for entries :
February 28th 2023

Deadline for the jury's decision :
March 31st 2023

Prizes : 
There will be a prize for each of the winning entries.

Publication of winning entries :
The winning entries will be published in the AEI Newsletter (summer 2023), along with a short biography and photo of each of  the winning students.

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