Master Administration et échanges internationaux - Graduate Program: international transitions and the enterprise of tomorrow

Nature :
Formation diplômante
Diplôme national
Type de diplôme :
Durée des études :
2 ans
Année post-bac de sortie :
Bac + 5
Niveau de sortie :
Niveau I
Lieu(x) de formation :
Créteil - Campus Centre
Accessible en :
  • Formation initiale

Domaine : Droit - Economie - Gestion
Mention : Administration et échanges internationaux
UFR/Institut : UPEC - UFR AEI International School


We are living in a world that is rapidly and profoundly changing. For instance, our society is at the origin of and confronted to environmental, digital, and societal transitions, to name a few. To face the challenges of these transitions we need to develop the capacity to reflect on them and produce the necessary changes and innovations at the corporate level. The “AEI Graduate Program: International transitions and the enterprise of tomorrow” trains future researchers to develop applied research in Management, Economics, or Law to assist companies in implementing relevant innovations to face the challenges of tomorrow. Graduates from this program will be equipped to pursue an academic research career through a PhD degree, to work in corporates’ R&D units or in international organizations.

- A unique international and pluridisciplinary research program dealing with the challenges that our current society is facing
- A program associating academic professors from renowned international institutions from Europe, Asia, Latin and North America
- The possibility to do an internship each year of the program
- A combined program gathering engineers and students in management, economics, and law fields
- A mixed research program combining academic and applied research within enterprise labs
- A unique pedagogy providing students with the possibility to follow international classes on-line and to diversify their academic training: flipped classrooms, serious games, case studies… to improve their employability in the job market.

Compétence(s) visée(s)

- To synthesize existing research and write a literature review that may be published in the academic litterature
- To define a research strategy that meets the academic standard of their chosen research field (Management, Economics or Law)
- To run studies using relevant qualitative or quantitative techniques 
- To communicate the results of academic research both to an expert and a non-expert audience 
- To get a deep knowledge of the current challenges of our society (environmental, societal, digital, and sanitarian transitions) from a pluridisciplinary perspective
- To manage projects gathering people with different professional backgrounds and positions (such as engineers, financers, top management, HR etc.)
- To participate in the organization of international workshops or conferences  
- To develop a thourough knowledge and expertise in the chosen field of specialization of the degree program, namely digital trade, management of SMEs, HR, International Business or Sustainability and Green Business

Poursuites d'études

At the end of their Master’s degree program, students can start a PhD either in Management, Economics or Law according to the discipline they have chosen to deepen throughout the research project of their graduate program.

Débouchés professionnels

The professional opportunities are numerous: students will get a deep understanding of research activities run at the national and international level. 
The main professional opportunity is to join a research team, either academic or within a company research lab for doing research.
They can get junior research positions in international corporate R&D units.
They will also get a thourough expertise in one major field of the AEI master. Hence, the proposed opportunities to the different programs also apply to them.

Environnement de recherche

The program is associated to three research labs from UPEC: Lipha Paris-Est, IRG and LACL. 
Students will also have the opportunity to follow lectures taught by foreign academic researchers and to get research supervision from them.

Organisation de la formation

M1 et M2

Stage / Alternance

Stage facultatif en M1
Stage de 4 à 6 mois obligatoire en M2

Modalités de contrôle des connaissances

Contrôle continu

Niveau(x) de recrutement

Bac + 3

Modalités d'admission en formation initiale

Admission sur dossier


Responsable pédagogique du Graduate Program :
Philippe Frouté


Accueil licence et master
Bâtiment T - Niveau dalle - Bureau 032
Campus Centre de Créteil
61, avenue du Général de Gaulle
94010 Créteil cedex
01 45 17 18 88
Du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 12h et de 14h à 16h
Mis à jour le 29 janvier 2025